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Blacktown City CouncilCommunity profile

Blacktown City


In 2021, 60.0% of people aged 65 years or more in Blacktown City Council were born overseas.

Country of Birth data identifies where people were born and is indicative of the level of cultural diversity at the chosen age group in Blacktown City Council. The mix of Country of Birth groups in different age groups is also indicative of historical settlement patterns, as source countries for Australia's immigration program have varied significantly over time. Typically, older populations are more likely to have been born overseas, however the countries of birth are different to the young, with migration from Europe dominating among those over 60, while Asian countries such as China and India are more common birthplaces among the young.

Blacktown City Council's Country of Birth data should be viewed together with Language Spoken at Home data and data specific to the characteristics of the birthplace or people born overseas in total.


Derived from the Census question:

'In which country was the person born?'

Birthplace - Ranked by size
Blacktown City Council - 65 years or more20212016Change
BirthplaceNumber%New South WalesNumber%New South Wales2016 to 2021
United Kingdom2,2505.17.12,3056.67.6-55
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan)1,1402.63.06201.82.2+520
Sri Lanka8341.90.45521.60.3+282
Show all (89 entries)
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Excludes countries with fewer than 10 people.

Birthplace - Summary
Blacktown City Council - 65 years or more20212016Change
BirthplaceNumber%New South WalesNumber%New South Wales2016 to 2021
Overseas born26,24160.035.919,14955.033.4+7,092
Not stated2,6266.06.42,7988.09.2-172
Total people43,764100.0100.034,791100.0100.0+8,973
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the country of birth of people aged 65 years or more in Blacktown City Council in 2021 compared to New South Wales shows that there was a larger proportion of people born overseas.

Overall, 60.0% of people aged 65 years or more were born overseas, compared with 35.9% for New South Wales.

The major differences between the countries of birth of people aged 65 years or more in Blacktown City and New South Wales were:

  • A larger percentage of people born in Philippines (9.0% compared to 1.0%)
  • A larger percentage of people born in India (5.4% compared to 1.0%)
  • A larger percentage of people born in Malta (3.6% compared to 0.7%)
  • A larger percentage of people born in Fiji (2.7% compared to 0.5%)

Emerging groups

Between 2016 and 2021, the number of people aged 65 years or more born overseas increased by 7,092 or 37.0%.

The largest changes in birthplace countries of people aged 65 years or more in Blacktown City between 2016 and 2021 were for those born in:

  • Philippines (+1,715 persons)
  • India (+1,165 persons)
  • China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) (+520 persons)
  • Fiji (+450 persons)

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