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Blacktown City CouncilCommunity profile


Unpaid domestic work


In Minchinbury 27% of the female population over 15 did more than 14 hours of housework each week in 2021.

There has been increased interest in identifying, acknowledging and valuing the unpaid work that supports home and community life. The changing amount of time spent on unpaid housework in different Household Types and, particularly the distribution of this work within the household, can indicate the changing roles of males, females and older children in society. The level of unpaid domestic work in Minchinbury may also be related to Household Income, as higher income households are able to outsource some of these tasks.


Derived from the Census question:

'In the last week did the person spend time doing unpaid domestic work for their household?'

Unpaid domestic work
Minchinbury - Females aged 15+ (Usual residence)20212016Change
Hours spent on unpaid domestic workNumber%Hebersham %Number%Hebersham %2016 to 2021
Did unpaid domestic work1,50164.652.21,61471.860.2-113
Less than 5 hours31113.410.337716.812.2-66
Between 5 and 14 hours56224.217.858726.120.6-25
Between 15 and 29 hours33314.310.632514.511.8+8
30 hours or more29512.713.632514.515.7-30
Did no unpaid domestic work70330.338.454524.229.7+158
Not stated1195.19.4904.010.0+29
Total persons aged 15+2,323100.0100.02,249100.0100.0+74
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the unpaid domestic work performed by the female population in Minchinbury in 2021 compared to Hebersham shows that there was a higher proportion of females who performed 15 hours or more of unpaid domestic work per week.

Overall, 27% of the female population reported performing 15 hours or more of unpaid domestic work, compared with 24.2% for Hebersham.

The major differences between the share of the female population performing unpaid domestic work in Minchinbury and Hebersham were:

  • A larger percentage of females who did unpaid domestic work (total) (64.6% compared to 52.2%)
  • A larger percentage of females who did between 5 and 14 hours of domestic work (24.2% compared to 17.8%)
  • A larger percentage of females who did between 15 and 29 hours of domestic work (14.3% compared to 10.6%)
  • A smaller percentage of females who did no unpaid domestic work (30.3% compared to 38.4%)

Emerging groups

The largest changes in the number of females performing unpaid domestic work in Minchinbury, between 2016 and 2021 were those who:

  • Did no unpaid domestic work (+158 females)
  • Did unpaid domestic work (-113 females)
  • Less than 5 hours (-66 females)

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