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Blacktown City CouncilCommunity profile

Blacktown City

Unpaid care

In 2021, there were 1,369 Arabic speaking carers in Blacktown City Council who provided unpaid assistance to a person with a disability, long term illness or old age.

The proportion of people providing unpaid care for the aged and disabled in Blacktown City Council can be an important indicator of the level of demand for aged care services and facilities by local and state governments.

This topic looks at the level of unpaid care provided by people of non-English speaking background. This may be higher or lower than the general population depending on factors such as the age structure of the population, the presence of family members in Australia and is also an indicator of community cohesion.


Derived from the Census question:

'In the last two weeks did the person spend time providing unpaid care, help or assistance to family members or others because of a disability, a long term illness or problems related to old age?'.

Unpaid care
Blacktown City Council - Arabic20212016Change
Assistance to a person with a disability, long term illness or old ageNumber%AustraliaNumber%Australia2016 to 2021
Provided unpaid assistance1,36914.214.31,34416.115.2+25
No unpaid assistance provided8,02883.283.06,71980.681.0+1,309
Not stated2472.62.72713.33.8-24
Total persons aged 15+9,644100.0100.08,334100.0100.0+1,310
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2016 and 2021. Compiled and presented by .id (informed decisions).
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the unpaid care provided by the Arabic speaking population in Blacktown City Council in 2021 compared to Australia shows that there was a similar proportion of persons who provided unpaid care either to family members or others.

Overall, 14.2% of the Arabic speaking population provided unpaid care, compared with 14.3% for Australia.

Emerging groups

The number of Arabic speakers who provided unpaid assistance to a person with a disability, long term illness or old age in Blacktown City Council increased by 25 people between 2016 and 2021.

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